There’s been a few posts around the internet world on some of the latest Lego promotions. For the most part Lego seems to be losing the plot:
Toxel has a good collection of the latest Lego Riddles on display. Here’s a few:
For the most part, it’s just super indulgent stuff which has little to do with encouraging children (and adults) to build things with Lego. Imagine me being bored.
Here’ another campaign by Konstellation, which invented something called Brickmented Reality for its Lego campaign. Lego enthusiasts were encouraged to build something with their Lego bits then take a photo with it incorporated into the environment. eg. build a giraffe head, take a photo with the bit of Lego replacing the real giraffe head. Here’s the video. I’m not a big fan of this. I’m not sure why, but it just feels contrived. I’d be interested to see if anyone actually did this other than the agency staffs kids.
LEGO: Happy Holiplay from Konstellation on Vimeo.
The best inspiration for Lego though comes from LegoClubTV. Here’s an animated video made by Garrett Barati of a hardcore song written specially for Lego by Guitarist Jason Maas of hardcore band Defeater with Chris Wrenn on vocals.
This is massive. Prepare to mosh. Lego – Let’s Go!